Marbil Nursery Creations

While supplies last!!!!!

The roses we bring in are grown right here on the west side of the valley. These are ‘Grade A’ roses that can take the dry heat of Arizona. It is important to plant things here in Arizona that are equipped to handle the harsh and dry climate we live in. Many roses are brought in from other parts of the world and are not acclimate to our climate. With over 60 varieties to choose from, we are sure you can find what you are looking for.

Our roses are removed from the fields during the colder months when the plant is somewhat dormant and will survive. We then pot them from bare root and leave them in pots until they start budding and leafing out which happens in late February to early March. We are then confident in the transplant and are more than happy to assist in your selection. Early spring available and popular varieties sell out quickly.